Showing posts with label figurines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label figurines. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

September = Spend, Spend, Spend!

Now that we're through the first week of October, I'm looking back at September and all I see is spend, spend, spend!

I knew it would be like that to some extent, because both Greenmead Flea Market and Michigan Antique & Collectable Festival in Midland, Michigan (affectionately called just 'Midland' by all of us who love it) are in September.  Those are BIG 'merchandising' opportunities.  Thrown into the mix, though, was a great estate sale that I would have missed if my friend Bargain Hunter hadn't text me to ask me about pricing a typewriter...

I was invited this year to go, too, to the Junk Bonanza in Shakopee, Minnesota, but I just couldn't make it work.  I definitely want to visit my friend and fellow picker, Kally, there in April next year!

So I almost had the basement completely organized, but have sabatoged all my efforts by bringing in the sweet things I've bought lately.  But who could resist finds like these?
West Bend Hallite Casserole with great Bakelite knob
West Bend Hallite Casserole with copper lid & handles
I can't resist pennants and I picked up some great old ones!

Two vintage Brownies in boxes.  One has film, too
Can't resist melmac, either.  These are cute little serving pieces
From Midland -- I LOVE this picture of 'Bob', painted by his Aunt Ev in 1951.  She really captured his personality!
From the estate sale -- this is the typewriter I helped price for Bargain Hunter
This is from the estate sale, too -- I'm excited to put it together and turn it on before I list it on Ebay.  I don't think I've ever seen one work -- just as display or for sale in antique malls
This print is really big -- 18x24 or larger
This little kitty holds a pen as his tail
A hard-to-find Teetertot Shoofly bouncer by Delphos Bending Co.  I hope it will sell better than rocking horses do at the mall.  It has a seat, which makes it great for displaying vintage stuffed animals or dolls (but it's NOT for real babies any more!)
Art Deco kitchen clock
Wood shopping list from the 1960s
These flocked cats, made in Japan in the 1950s are wonderful
A made-in-Japan asian planter from the 1950s.  I might keep him, he's just so cute!
Pantry Parade tomato range salt and pepper shakers
These made-in-Japan 1950s cats are great, too.  I see a made-in Japan, mid-century and cat theme developing...
With Spending-September gone, I can concentrate on listing on Etsy to get ready for the Christmas shopping season, which has already begun!  I can also (hopefully) get the basement organized (again)...I'm afraid that will turn out to be a never-ending task.

Maybe I'll even have time to post on the blog more often!

But, before you go, what do you think about Bob -- would you have bought his portrait?  I'm thinking about resurrecting 'Would You Buy It Wednesday' since (I think) Junker Newbie doesn't do it any more.  I would definitely have contributed Bob...
What about Bob -- yes or no?