Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Found a Heart's Desire!

I went to a sale last week and had VERY low expectations:  it was advertised as a selling point that the items were 80-90% new and never used by the owner (not a big draw for the lover of all things vintage).  It was less than 3 miles from my house, though, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. 

I bought a great 50s starburst tidbit tray that was out in the garage on a shelf (totally unappreciated) and a little Made in Japan Enesco lamb figurine. Even the linens were new and in packages!  Then I went upstairs and saw this:

I was SO excited!  I immediately grabbed the price sticker and found the upstairs worker to mark it 'SOLD'!  I've wanted a metal headboard & footboard ever since the days when my husband and I were first married and would go to stay at his family cottage on Buckeye Lake in Ohio (outside of Newark).  The room we got had this marvelous wood-look metal bed with open mesh panels -- I always hoped he'd inherit it if the furniture was ever divided up.  I never said a word, though, since I was just the daughter-in-law and new to the family and assumed that one of his sisters would surely want it.  It ended up being scrapped because I'd never spoken up and no one claimed it (I learned my lesson...)

I've been looking for one ever since, and here was one at this 'mostly new' sale!  Check out the wonderful flower decals -- they're in almost perfect condition!  I think it's from the 1920s or 1930s.  I'll have to do some research to try to date it, bur it doesn't matter in the least. 
It's all set up now and waiting for Christmas houseguests.  I topped it with a yellow chenille bedspread my sister gave me as a gift years ago and added a quilt I'd gotten at an estate sale.
The marble topped table next to it belonged to my grandmother and the star-patterned lamp (with the hideous shade) is from the 50s.  It was always on an end table in our living room when I was growing up.  I still really love it (it needs a new shade, though, don't you think?)
Pay no attention to the way the rest of the room looks -- it's first on our re-do list for January!


  1. Oh wow, the bed, bedspread, quilt, everything! Love them. How wonderful for you to found your heart's desire.


This is my favorite part! Please leave me a comment -- I always love to hear from you: