Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dealer Day = Shopping Day

The first Sunday this month was Dealer Day at our mall -- I know I've told you about this.  Just in case you forgot, it's the one Sunday of every month when the mall is open to its dealers to prep their booths from 10 - 12 with no shoppers there.  It's a wonderful bonus to us!

This particular Dealer Day, though, happened to be the last day of the 10-day sale . . . so after I fluffed and re-stocked my booth, I did what most self-respecting dealers do and went shopping!  I've figured out that we all just keep buying each others' stuff. . . hmm.

I still had birthday money from my Aunt Gene -- I'd been holding on to it for months (and Christmas is coming soon), so I figured I could do some mall-price spending.  I found some great bargains, but here are my favorites -- Happy Birthday from Aunt Gene to me!
A Lefton Santa & his sleigh from the 1950s -- isn't he neat?  I wonder what went in his sleigh?  There are 2 holes on each side, as though something was strung between them...
A Farmer Peet's Lard Bucket -- just perfect in the kitchen filled with red-handled utensils
A wall-mounted gold & silver aluminum tree from the 1960s -- I know, it's total kitsch, but also totally cool!
The tree came with its original box -- can you believe it?

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what to do with my 2 vintage peanut butter pails now!


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