Monday, March 7, 2011

Button Bonanza

I found a button bonanza at my local thrift today -- these bags had just been put out and I got first pick! I didn't intend to buy so many, but every bag I looked at had more wonderful buttons & buckles in it than the last. Have you ever seen so many buttons in one place? The cashier lost count and even charged me for one extra bag, but I don't mind because it's the Salvation Army & I know it will help someone out.

I can hardly wait to finish up my work on my day job so I can play with my new (old) buttons! My head is fairly spinning with ideas for projects to use them on...


  1. omg! Thats incredible - how much did they charge you per bag? In my local charity shop its rare to find buttons and when i do they cost the earth. I bet you will have so much fun going through the bags and seeing what you've got. :o) Scarlett

  2. Scarlett, they were only 99 cents a bag! Thanks for the question -- I've added that info to the post. Buttons are hard to find at our shop, as well.

  3. Wow - I'd have found it hard to leave them behind too - bet you'll have fun sorting through those :)

  4. Phew - button pick n' mix! My boys would love playing sweeties with those. Not that I would or anything, no...ahem. They look great x

  5. Always amazed at the bargains you find Linda x

  6. Nice score on the Buttons! Have FUN going through them!!

  7. They are absolutely amazing, great buy!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!


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