Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Button Bonanza - Part II

I spent most of Monday afternoon playing with buttons -- it took me right back to my childhood & playing in my mom's button box!

Most of them were pretty ordinary, but there were lots of colorful & novelty buttons, as well as a fair number of 'artsy' clothing buttons and lots of buckles. I think some of them are bakelite, and I'll need to do some research if I'm going to sell them.

I packaged most of the ordinary & colored ones in little bags to sell in the booth, but kept lots of them for projects:Here are some pictures of the artsy buttons & buckles:

Some of these buckles are HUGE! I'm sure the brown striped one and green ones are bakelite. The purple grapes are a hook closure -- so cool!
I wish I could sew clothing so I could use this awesome cellulose green hook closure!
These buttons are so cool -- the horn ones with the flowers & red centers are 2" wide!
The 3 large ones here are a deep purple & more than 3" wide...
I hope my dear friend Kally will see this post, because she makes the most beautiful & artsy-est garments of anyone I know -- she's a truly gifted seamstress. If anyone could show these buttons off to their best advantage, she could!


  1. I remember playing with my Mom's buttons too! I remember there being belt buckles in there, and old girdle parts, and all kinds of fascinating little bits mixed in with all the pretty buttons!

  2. @Carol -- My mom always had old girdle parts in hers, too! I'd forgotten all about those until you mentioned that. Too funny!

  3. I think the purple buttons have my name on them!

  4. I think all of our mothers had coffee jars of old buttons. I remember being fascinated with them. I got a few of them, but she gave most away to somebody else, which peeved me! Now I too have a jar of interesting buttons.

  5. They're so great! Don't blame you for keep some to yourself :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!


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