I heard the site owner of the-burning-house.com interviewed today on NPR's Here and Now today. His site poses the simple question "If you had to escape your burning house, what would you take?". It all started at a dinnertime conversation about how our choices reveal a lot about what really matters to us.
I'm an almost addictive collector (and have been from my earliest memories) and I think that most of you are, too, dear readers. We all love our vintage Fiesta, Pyrex, bakelite, fabric, china and any other of literally thousands of things. We take pictures of them, blog about them and comment on each others' finds. We all love stuff.
In the end, though, it's all just STUFF! I was glad, as I made my own 'burning house' list, to find that there wasn't a mixing bowl or sifter on it.
My list is simple:
Turner, the dog
Leo, the cat
my Bible
old family pictures
It makes you think, doesn't it? What's on your 'burning house' list?