Showing posts with label sandhill cranes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sandhill cranes. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Signs of Spring!

It's sunny and in the mid 70s today and we're all rejoicing!

Besides the sounds of spring peepers and sandhill cranes, here are some other signs of spring:
The beetle is ready to go!
The gravel has been raked off the grass (where the snowplow put it) and back into the driveway
The girls have a clean house
(it's tough to push a wheelbarrow through a foot of snow)
Happy girls!
No, no free range for the girls here. They get a large fenced area outside of the run where they can scratch around-- the 'playpen' -- but that's as free as they get! Every year Mr. Hawk and Mr. Coyote add their names to the girls' on the petition to let them run free, but we never give in.

I hope you're having wonderful spring weather where you are!