Friday, March 4, 2016

First Flea Market of 2016!

The flea market season has officially begun...and it's about time! 
 The Jackson (Michigan) Cabin Fever indoor flea market isn't very big (it's all in one big room at the fairgrounds), but it's a nice mix of vendors.  There are the usual handmade bird houses, dish clothes and bibs, along with cheap cosmetics and new stuff, but there are many vintage dealers, too.
This nice vendor wanted to be in my picture when he heard it was going into my blog....
There were a couple of vendors with lots of Pyrex, but it was all too high priced for me!  It was lovely to look at, though.
I had a fun surprise, too....
Sometimes when I take pictures, I ask the vendors if it's okay (though no one ever minds).  I stopped in one of my favorite booths -- where I could pretty much buy everything they have -- and asked if I could take some pictures for my blog.  The seller asked the name of my blog and, when I told her, said she read it all the time!  Imagine!  I've never met anyone who reads my blog...I was really pleased.  I was getting ready to buy this super-cute chicken tea towel (because I just have to have another chicken tea towel...) and she gave it to me, saying she got so much pleasure from the blog.
Thanks, Donna -- meeting you really made my day!  Here are some shots of her cool booth.  I always love the way she stages it.
Donna had beautiful Pyrex!  
So many bunnies (and I only bought one)
Here are some other things I saw...

Loved this set, but couldn't afford it
This 1980s rocket ship was cool.  Here's another vendor who wanted to be in the picture.  Interesting that it was just the men...
Lots of kitchenware
Still can find some vintage Christmas, but it was scarce
I found quite a few good things, some destined for the Etsy shop, a few for the booth and others just for me!
Have you ever seen a tablecloth with corn before?  Even though I don't love the color combo, I had to get it because it's so unusual!
Pyrex odds and ends, destined for the booth
So much kitsch!  The Lefton leprechauns and mouse salt & pepper set were great finds
I'm hoping my friend Bargain Hunter can tell me if the Fiesta candles are a go-along for Fiestaware or not.  They're white, but as they burn down each inch drips a different color.
The flocked duckling and elf in the egg are going to live with me.  The Roy Rogers lantern is pretty cool, too
The toy Indian headdress with feathers has never been taken out of the package!
These chalkware flowers are so cheerful -- they make me wish that yellow would look good in my kitchen
So, that was my Friday adventure!  Tomorrow is a local antiques show, which I try not to miss and will, hopefully, have some great finds, too.

Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. It all looks great! I would have loved to go to that flea market.

  2. So glad you liked our booth! I enjoy your blog and was so excited to be able to tell you that in person1 Maybe we will meet up again ! Happy Hunting! Donna L

  3. I'm bummed that I missed Jackson-it looks like lots of fun!!! Remind me to mark my calendar for next year!!!

  4. I'm bummed that I missed Jackson-it looks like lots of fun!!! Remind me to mark my calendar for next year!!!


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