Saturday, January 25, 2014

Finally -- an Estate Sale

Yesterday I finally got to go to an estate sale!   I figured out that the last one I'd gone to was in mid-November (and that one hardly counted because it wasn't very good...)  There just haven't been any good ones worth driving 30 or 40 miles for.

If I'd realized how bad the roads were, I probably would have skipped it, but by the time I figured that out, I was on my way and determined to do some shopping.  You know the roads are bad when everyone was going 25-40 mph (even the crazy people who drive 70 mph in terrible snow)!  The temperature was only 6 degrees and the freeway was like a sheet of ice.  It took over an hour to drive what should have been a 40-minute trip.

There was some pink gooseberry Pyrex that I wanted, so I wanted to get there early enough to get a good number.  The estate owner also had lots of vintage Barbie clothes in unopened packages and a thimble collection and I was hoping that all the people ahead of me would want that.  But, because of the roads I got there a half hour later than I wanted to and was number 22.  Thankfully, the 'guard' at the door took pity on us with the frigid temps and let everyone in at once instead of the usual first 15 or 20.  Even getting in really fast and making a bee-line for the kitchen, the gooeseberry was GONE -- gone in literally 15 seconds!

I found a few things, though and still had a good time.  Here are my first estate sale finds of the new year...
This is a great Valentine from 1929
This valentine was given to someone in 1929 -- it's marked on the little red heart 'From Oliver' and on the back it's dated by the lady who received it.   So sweet!
A plain clothespin bag (I'll embellish it with vintage fabric & trims)
A travel laundry clip set in bag
The owner of this cookbook wasn't much of a cook!  It's from 1953 and is in MINT condition!  I almost didn't buy it because I thought it was new...
This recipe folder (with categories and envelopes) is also completely unused
I love these kitchen dispensers, but have never seen a chrome one.  Sweet!
Samsonite train case
I just had to pick up this bunch of curlers!  
I remember my mom putting my hair in pin curls with these at bedtime when I was really little.  She'd tie a big red bandana handkerchief around my head to keep them from coming out.  Those little things HURT to sleep on!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to go to that same sale for the pyrex....too far in that weather. Hopefully some other good ones will pop up closer to me


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