Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Wish List

My junking buddy Bargain Hunter always posts her wish list in the spring.  I realized today, when I went to our community's garage sale at the high school, that I was daydreaming about finding a couple of heart's desires of my own.  So I've decided to post my own wish list and keep track of whether I find any of them as I shop.

My biggest wish list item is a pink Pyrex fridge set.  I finally got the complete mixing bowl set and now am watching for fridge dishes.  I never see them anywhere (at sales or in malls).
Also on the wish list is Pixieware -- any piece (or pieces) will do!
Fire King Colonial Batter Bowl
Fire King Colonial Range Set
Fire King Colonial Bowls
Fire King Polka Dots - anything...
Actually, I don't think I'll find any of these wish-list items this summer...but there's no harm in wishing for them!


  1. Good luck in your quest. All on my wish list too!

    I did see a "set" of pink fridgies for $99 in a store once, 503 just the lid, 502 no lid, 501's complete. PASS.

  2. I think we all probably have a similar wish list!

    Good luck:-)


  3. I have some of the items on your wish list, and I did thrift them- the colonial bands grease jar was only a couple of bucks. So they are out there- keep searching! I just completed my pink fridgie set via ebay- fingers crossed my 2 501s arrive safe and sound. Maybe that's cheating, but I thrifted the 502 for $1. :)


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