Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Thrift Store Adventure -- Stop, Thief!

We've been cleaning out closets and I had to take bags of clothes to our local Salvation Army.  Since I didn't have Mr. KV in the car with me to tell me I didn't have time to shop, I got to stop in and see what was new.

The first thing I saw was a dark green Harlequin creamer -- for less than $2!  I was so excited and snapped it up (doing a mental happy dance the whole time).  Then I saw a small maroon pitcher that looked old -- it was incised (not ink-stamped) Fiesta on the bottom.  I still have to figure out if this is old or contemporary (I think it might be Cinnabar).  I think it's the cream pitcher that goes with a sugar bowl on a special serving plate.  But I digress...
Do any of you know if this is Cinnabar?  Or if it's old?
I found a few more mid-century things (my lucky day, I guess) and went to the check out line.  As I mentally added my stuff, I saw that the harlequin creamer was gone!  I said (no, actually, I yelled) "Someone took something out of my cart!"  All the other shoppers in line were horrified, of course.  If it could happen to me, it could happen to them.  I went to each check-out clerk and told them (I think, a little loudly) that a green cream pitcher that came up was mine and that it had been taken out of my cart.

I spent the next 1/2 hour looking in everyone's carts and what they were carrying.  No creamer anywhere.  Finally, I admited defeat and got back in line.  There, on the jewelry counter right next to the front of the line was my pitcher!  The cart-thief had apparently dumped it when I raised the hew-and-cry.  Crime foiled again!

I'm still wound up about this -- and also about finding a Harlequin creamer.  Harlequin is my favorite Fiesta pattern and I don't have a creamer AND I never find deals like this.

Doing the happy dance once again!
That which was stolen has been found!
Have you ever had a cart-thief adventure?  Did it end happily or sadly?


  1. I have never taken anything out of someone's cart, but have had it done to me, even at regular brick and mortar stores. I will do the same thing and go in search of the perp that has my item. Bet this person does this on a regular basis, they see value in it only b/c someone else has it. Bad karma will follow them. Good for you for raising a stink and possibly causing them just bit of public humiliation.

  2. Wow, I had no idea such things happened! Good thing you noticed soon enough to leap into action! I hope the person who tried to snatch it feels very ashamed!

  3. Good for you!!!

    You cracked me up when you said you were going in to the Salvation Army store to see what was new...Nothing of course, lol!

    We make that joke with my sister-in-law who works at the museum...

  4. Never happened to me so far. A friend had her purse stolen while at a St Vincent de Paul store ( Catholic version of the Sally Ann here. Shameful!!
    I am glad you got your item back and were brave enough to make a point of letting folks know what happened. Now everyone there will likely be more observant and careful.

  5. I would have tracked the thief down for sure if I was missing a pitcher like that!!! So glad they felt guilt and put it back!!!


  6. the maroon creamer looks like the one in my (contemporary) set just like you said. Well, mine's blue, but you know. I'm no expert though.

  7. @De tout, de rien
    TOO funny! It didn't occur to me until you pointed it out -- thanks for the laugh!

  8. Looks like 'making a stink' pays off sometimes! ^_^ And it's a very pretty creamer too!!

  9. Wow, good for you for announcing the crime!

  10. Yep, one time I was at the Williamsburg Pottery looking for frames when a guy (in khakis and a Brooks Brothers shirt)took a signed Native American print out of my cart and put it in his cart. I tracked it down and snatched it back. I was hot! Another time, at the Goodwill Outlet, a lady stole some leather pants (for resale) and other items, which I did not get back. She refused to give them back without a fist fight. The Outlets are the worst, so I have learned to find a blanket first and cover everything!

  11. By the way, forgot to mention, the Native American print was mine, bought in Santa Fe. So, he was outright stealing it!


This is my favorite part! Please leave me a comment -- I always love to hear from you: