Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee!

Today, June 2, 2012, is Queen Elizabeth II's jubilee -- marking 60 years on the throne.  I know that all my UK followers are well aware of the big celebrations planned, but doubt that many here in the US even noticed.

I think I've mentioned before (a few times, at least) that I love all things British, but especially the Queen!  I've been collecting Royal Family 'souvenirs' for many years, and most particularly Coronation items.  Mr KV laughs that every time a package arrives at our house, the Queen's picture is somewhere on it (I think he exaggerates...)   I have lots of tins -- between biscuit tins and tea tins, there is just such a variety available.  I have lots of other interesting things, though, too. 

I thought, in honor of the Queen's jubilee, that I'd share some of them with you.
This might be my favorite piece -- a teapot with red & blue bakelite handles. 
A hinged tin
Another tin (I always try to turn Prince Philip to the wall)
Lots of tins, a tray and some other, more unusual things:
A spoon with a bakelite handle (the bowl is embossed with the ERII)
A Coronation souvenir penknife
A Welsh lady salt or pepper (with the Coronation date on the back)  I've never been able to locate the other shaker -- I don't even know what it would look like
The London Coronation highlights is a very cool little souvenir pamphlet. 
The tin has the princesses on it.  The snapshot postcard is one of my favorite pieces -- it looks just like a family snap, with the Queen, Princess Anne, her horse and the Corgis
A Coronation plate -- a present from my friend Bargain Hunter (she gave me Christmas cookies on it)
Another favorite -- a home-made, hand colored and embroidered pillow
A Coronation Book of Common Prayer and box.  It has a hard patent leather cover embossed with ER 1953
Several books -- I especially like 'Princess Elizabeth, Wife and Mother' and 'Princess Elizabeth's Wedding Day'
An unusual changeable date desk calendar
Coronation paper dolls & coloring book -- uncut and uncolored!
Another coloring book -- also uncolored
Lastly, another favorite -- a scrapbook put together by a little girl in Surrey.  It looks like it may have been a school project
 Thanks for looking at my collection!
(If any of my British friends want to pick up a little jubilee souvenir to add to the collection I'll HAPPILY reimburse you for your cost and shipping!   I hope you got to celebrate today!)

God Save the Queen!


  1. what a great collection!! thanks for sharing!


  2. Wow - you have some really unusual things there, especially love the teapot!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. Love your collection, the tin with Elizabeth and Margaret on it is the sweetest!

    I watched the Katie Courice Jubilee special last week, did you see it?? It was really good for anyone that is I treated in the royals!

    I am in Canada, just so I could say I had a Jubilee souvenir, I bought a fridge magnet at Walmart!!

    Last summer I was in Prince Edward Island when William and Kate visited, I was in the friend row - what a thrill!! Kate is beautiful and William was just so handsome!!

    Long Live Our Queen!!

  4. I think this is my first visit here, and I see my blog is on your blogroll. Well, I'm going to reciprocate! You have a wonderful blog, and I'm so glad you stopped by and left a comment today so we could connect!


This is my favorite part! Please leave me a comment -- I always love to hear from you: