Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fun & Snowy Friday Thrifting

It's been a long time since I've gone estate sale shopping on a Friday and I've really missed it!  There were a few today that looked okay but not really exciting -- they were in Lansing (about 45 minutes away), so it was a long drive if they turned out to be frogs.  We got 1-2" of snow overnight (which is nothing), but Lansing got 3-6" and the bulk of it was coming down exactly when I would be driving over.  I almost decided to stay home and work on listing Etsy items, but the thrill of the hunt was just too much to resist!  Even though I saw several cars in ditches and people were going slow, I pressed on.  I was really glad I had the Kitschy Vintage van, because it handled the snow much better than my little hybrid does.

Because of the snow and slower traffic, I got to the first sale right after it started.  It turned out to be pretty good.  The prices were fair and the ladies running it were really nice.  They even had breakfast snacks and coffee on the front porch for the people waiting before it started (how's that for hospitality)!  I got a few things that I'd seen in the pictures and hoped would still be there.

I decided to go to the Lansing thrift stores while I was over there, but was disappointed -- the Volunteers of America didn't look like a store, so I didn't go in.  The St. Vincent de Paul had burned down before Christmas, so I went to the new location, but it wasn't open yet.  I couldn't find the third one that came up on my GPS, so I went on to my next stop, which was in Holt, a small town south of Lansing.

The roads were even worse down there -- completely untouched -- and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to find the sale, because it was a Craigslist sale.  It turned out to be a real PRINCE, though!  It was super-organized and everything had a price on it (that's a real bonus).  Even though it was the first day, the dealer was willing to deal and I got some great stuff.  I was happy to sign up for their email list because I'd love to go to more of his sales.

Here are the treasures I found:
A cake carrier and assorted kitchen stuff
A box of jars for $2 -- including a glass & zinc lidded canning jar, a blue Ball jar and a few half-gallon canning jars
A brown redware teapot, recipe box (with recipes), Blendo glasses and some assorted china pieces
Some old snapshots, an 8x10 lucite frame (complete with smiling couple), some shakers & figurines and a BIG cement frog
Art lesson books (I used to love these as a kid), a child's Christmas carol music book and a scrapbook from the 1960s
A complete set of 1958 My Book House books -- I love these and have the older, 1930s edition, so I'll sell these
Blow mold lightpost lights.  These were completely filthy and falling apart, but thankfully had all the electrical parts and they work!  They're not hard to rewire, but it's much nicer if you don't have to.
I got home in plenty of time to clean and sort through all my stuff!  I'm really glad I braved the elements and went out today.  How was your shopping this week?


  1. Great finds - the books look fab!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    Lucky you!
    Have a pretty day!

  3. Anne, Looks like a good Friday! I am itching to go to a few sales, maybe next weekend!!



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