Thursday, January 19, 2012

Aloha! Would You Have Bought This?

I went to an estate sale last week just because it was close to home -- something that doesn't happen very often.  Almost everything there was new(er) and not very interesting to me.  Still, you never know what you'll find in a dark corner of the basement or garage.

I found this:

It was in the darkest corner of a long workbench in the garage, back behind piles of old extension cords, jars of nuts & bolts and empty broken boxes.  At first I thought it was a planter but, regardless of what it was, I knew I had to have it as soon as I dug it out!  It was really dirty. the wiring was loose and covered in cobwebs & dust, and it didn't work when I plugged it in. 

Do you know what it is?  Would you have bought it? 

Mr. KV thought I was nuts to bring it home (hint:  he wouldn't have bought it).  It's a 1958 Lane & Company Hawaiian Leaf TV Lamp.  I did a little research to see what I could find out and found this website, devoted entirely to TV lamps.  Apparently, I got a great deal!   If you go to the tvlamps page, scroll down about 15 pictures and you'll see my beauty.  Here's the rating they give it:
value:  rarity:  
It cleaned up beautifully and is in MINT condition!

The wiring just needed a little TLC and a new bulb
Beautiful, isn't it?
 I haven't figured out if it's going to into the booth, on etsy or ebay or into my living room.  In the meantime, I'm posting it on Junker Newbie's Would You Buy It Wednesday.

What do you think?


  1. Hmm ... not sure about that one! It certainly is ... em ... different! Funnily enough, the word verification word for this comment is "folly" ha ha!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. i'm so glad you bought this! you should KEEP IT... maybe save it for that little house in florida you will eventually buy? hint, hint! :)

  3. Yes! I totally would have bought it!! What a great find!!

  4. No I wouldn't have bought it. It would not have caught my eye and I would not have a clue what it was. But with each picture I saw here, I liked it more and more. Now I am kicking myself that I wouldn't have buy it. Ha.
    Great score.

  5. YES! Great find (literally). I love the colors, the shape, the material.

  6. Yes, yes, yes!!! I love vintage Hawaiian!


  7. I love it--and thanks for the research. I have a weird old lamp, and now I know what it was meant to be.

  8. I would have been on it in an instant! It's spectacular! I'm a sucker for vintage ceramics, especially anything with leaves. And the colors are great. No chips on the leaf tips? Wow. Great find.


  10. I have the exact one and love mine , they look beautiful lit up ! Good score if you ask me

  11. I have that same T.V lamp and I love mine!


This is my favorite part! Please leave me a comment -- I always love to hear from you: