Monday, September 26, 2011

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Remember that famous quote from 'Jaws'?  That's exactly the way I feel every time I go on a major shopping trip with my tiny car and have to shoe-horn everything in.  OR every  time I buy something big and have to get my husband to drive the truck back to get it because I can't drive a stick.  OR every time I have to turn down a furniture bargain because I know I don't have room.
 Well, I've gotten a bigger boat!  We've been watching for an old (translate: cheap) SUV or minivan that I could use to go to sales, and we finally found one.  It's a 2001 Windstar, and it's actually very nice -- well cared for, road-worthy and clean.  Plus, it has all of my minimum requirements:  radio, air conditioning, cup holders (I know, I'm shallow).  And all the back seats fold down or can be removed to haul the REALLY big stuff.
 Watch out sales -- here comes the Kitschy Vintage Van!  From now on, I won't have to turn down that great bed, table or chest of drawers -- I'll just load it up.  Yay!


  1. Congrats on getting a bigger boat! We used to have a small car and we had to pass on really cool stuff :(

  2. I know the feeling. I used to drive a Beetle. Oh the things I jammed in there! I now have a small SUV. So much more practical. You're going to have lots of fun!!

  3. Oh, I am in exactly the same 'boat'. May have to ask you the width of the van, we have an old drive not made for modern cars,


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