Thursday, June 30, 2011


I think I told you all that I've taken a second booth at our antique mall all by myself for 3 months. This will be a tryout to see how it goes & I can vacate it at the end of September if it doesn't work out.

So I've been really busy for the past week or two getting ready to move in -- buying a few cabinets, shelves & fixtures, organizing stuff, painting, cleaning & pricing. Today's the day! Jim took the day off work and will drive all the big stuff over in the pickup truck and then help me get it ready.

I've got such butterflies in my stomach over this. If I thought opening the first booth with my friend was scary, this is doubly so! So please pray, if you're a praying person -- if not, then wish me luck! I'll post pictures after it's all set up.


  1. It will all go Perfect!!! Just have Fun!
    Looking forward to the photos of your booth.
    Deb :)

  2. How exciting! I'm jealous you have one booth, let alone two. Good luck with it all! x


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