Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another Wonderful Wednesday

I haven't posted in a week -- I've been busy listing things on Etsy and took a trip to Traverse City over the weekend (I'll post more on that and some sales up there later). Yesterday was Wednesday, though (Senior Discount Day at Salvation Army) and I have to tell you that Wednesdays are turning out to be some of my favorite thrift days! I got some great treasures. . .
A solid blue Pyrex casserole and a small one in the Horizon pattern10 GREAT child's hankies!
I wouldn't have even seen them if I hadn't almost been run down by a man taking a washer & dryer to the checkout, because they were tucked behind lots of vintage clothes in a walkway display.There's Sleeping Beauty, Humpty Dumpty, lions, a squirrel, a cat and a bear and 3 weekday hankies. Aren't they sweet?I was walking out the door when I saw the most lovely quilt -- it's almost all feedsack.
The tag said '1940s or 50s', but I think it might be older. I would have bought it at full price but, once again, I was rewarded for getting old and I even got my senior discount!
I love these little birdie blocksI like these dogs in the donkey carts, too


  1. Oh, you lucky Thing !!
    The hankies are so cute... and that quilt is just Charming !!
    Good shopping skills !

  2. As if those hankies weren't enough, that quilt is just beautiful! Congrats on your great finds!

  3. Wow! You did really well. Love all the finds. My Mum (or Mom in US) has a set of that pattern Pyrex mixing bowls that she will be passing down. Love the colour (or color in US - lol).


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