Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday -- All About Me Day

Yesterday was cold and rainy -- Spring decided to go on vacation as soon as it arrived! So when the weather gets bad, the tough go shopping.

On a whim, I went to a local antiques mall because they were having a 15% or more mall-wide sale. I wasn't planning to buy anything for myself, as lately I've been concentrating on buying to sell. I ended up with a few treasures for ME, though -- and even paid mall prices for them!

These totally wonderful tomato salt & pepper shakers.
As soon as I saw them I just HAD to have them for my kitchen.
I'm sure I paid too much for them, but don't really care !
Don't they look great on the shelf over my stove?
This little (only 8" wide) carrier -- I'm a sucker for tinware and it's perfect for cookiesThis old coffee jar, which was 50% off! I love the jar's shape and the detail on the sides

Then I visited the local thrift and found a couple of nice things to sell:
A strawberry-shaped jam jar -- so cute and spring-y (is that even a word?)
A Fire King divided plateA syrup-type pitcher that's larger than usual size, with a larger spout -- does anyone know what this might have been used for?A collection of orphaned lids that I'm going to use for a project (more on that later)
I suppose in the grand scheme of things, a ME-day once in awhile isn't so bad. What I bought was lots cheaper than jewelry or a trip to the spa and it sure was fun!


  1. More amazing finds. The salt and pepper set is something else!

  2. Love your finds! I have that same strawberry jam jar!

  3. Love all your finds!! The strawberry jam jar and the tomato shakes are super cute.

  4. Your shakers are so totally kitchy! Too fun! And the colors in that mini carrier are great. hmmm... I wonder what you're going to do with those lids??? ♥

  5. You found some very nice vintage things with red. If it is something you really want and will enjoy, go for it. You will not know the difference the next day.

  6. Oh pretty. Happy Rednesday. Mine is late.

    Mine is here

  7. I've paid too much for things before...but have learned to set my regrets aside and enjoy the purchase. I like your attitude: "...don't really care."


    “If forced to make choices,” she said,
    “I’d go for the crimson and red.
    I’d let go of green,
    (Some think it’s obscene),
    Embracing magenta instead.”

    Dancers in Red


This is my favorite part! Please leave me a comment -- I always love to hear from you: