Monday, February 14, 2011

BIG Sale - Day Two

I revisited the big sale at the VFW Hall on Saturday. Since I got there 1 hour before it closed, the dealer was really dealing! Unlike an estate sale in a private home, he had to haul everything out of the hall at the end of the day. I was surprised at the amount of stuff still there and knew that I'd be able to find something. I ended up with some relatively good stuff, the majority of which cost only $1 per item.

The 'prize' (and that's a relative term) of the day was this green cabinet! I'd seen it in the promo pictures and had wanted it, had seen it at the sale and couldn't afford it -- but by the end of the last day (at 1/2 price) it was a deal! I bargained with the dealer and got it for $5 below half price and I was happy! Sure, it has rust and scratches, but I just love the art deco print on the front and will work on cleaning it up (I love a challenge). It was the deal of the day!
Leo the cat likes it , too!I also got an handmade yard art of a girl with an umbrella (already in the booth) , a handmade red shelfRed Wing vase, a Hall Pert blue Flower Parade shaker, a red, white & blue tumbler and a CN Tower mixed drink glass from TorontoA flowered tin and a green pottery canister from GermanyI took a risk on some damp and really STINKY aprons I found in the back room and got the whole lot for $1, figuring that the smell would come out. My friend Bargain Hunter always finishes her de-staining by hanging linens in the sun, so I tried that today. Little did I know that the snow out there was over a foot deep! I felt just like a pioneer trudging out to the clothesline in my big black boots and hanging my aprons out in the cold!
It worked, though -- the aprons are just lovely now. It's amazing what a little Biz and sunlight can do!


  1. Great bargains - I cant wait to see what you do with the cabinet - its a great find. I also love the picture of the aprons on the line in the snow - made me smile :o). I could also make room for the tin - its fab! Well done on your treasures. Scarlett x

  2. I'm glad you went back! I wish I would have!!! Now we'll have two red, white and blue striped glasses in the booth-I have the same one already there!!!
    Good for you-bargaining with the dealer to get your price!!! That was a GREAT deal!!!

  3. I have just found your blog today and I love it!

    What great finds.

    Bee happy x

  4. Hi there! I forgot that you and Kim share the booth, so I need to correct my blog post and provide a link to your site too! Anyway, you two gals are off to a good start, and I hope you do well.


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