A few of you have asked me to post some updated pictures of the new booth. I worked on it a lot last week -- adjusting the power strips & electrical cords, hanging things up and rearranging. My friend Sandy (a seasoned seller & merchandiser) helped me out -- in just 15 minutes she had reworked the center 'island' and it looked great. Thanks for all of your advice and encouragement, Sandy! This is what it looked like after that:

On Monday, I got to take my son's girlfriend, Sarah, with me and give her a look inside of the marvelous world of an antique dealer. She has very good taste -- she immediately liked these Syracuse china starburst plates (aren't they great?), so I couldn't wait to give them to her. We'll get her hooked on vintage yet!

I had sold a few things over the weekend and had to rearrange the booth all by myself *gasp!* This is what it looks like now. It looks pretty good, but I still need to fill it up a little more.

Every time I stop in, I love the black & white floor more! I think it makes everything in the booth look just a little classier. I can't believe that the former booth renters covered it up with carpet.
So that's it for the new booth -- I hope you enjoyed the mini-tour!
OOOh! It makes me want my little shop again. I think it looks fantastic! Those plates are awesome, I can only find a piece here and there. Good luck on the booth!
I saw it in person today and it was AWESOME!! GREAT Job!!
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